Madeleine Albright

May 10, 2007

Dear Friends:

I would like to welcome everyone to tonight’s event and to offer my warmest congratulations to His Majesty King Michael for receiving the Hanno R. Ellenbogen Citizenship Award.

As a past recipient myself, I am aware of what a great honor it is to receive this award and the opportunity it provides a young person to contribute to a better society. His Majesty’s love for his country and his continued engagement and commitment to public service reflect the spirit by which this award was created.

Thank you for your attendance this evening and for your ongoing dedication and support.

With admiration and respect,
Madeleine Albright

1 comentariu

  1. Dorin Boila,arh -Sibiu says:

    Ne aflam in lumea adevaratelor spirite politice, care intruchipeaza cel mai inalt efort uman de a se ridica “deasupra vremii”, deasupra conditiei de animal politic asumate de structura ordinara a parvenitilor in clasa conducerii !

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