The Crown Princess addressed The City of London


The speech of Her Royal Highness The Crown Princess of Romania

City of London’s Annual Banquet, Guildhall, December 8, 2014

Master, Wardens, My Lord Mayor, Mr President, Your Royal Highnesses, Governor-General, Your Excellencies, Your Grace, My Lords, Aldermen, Sheriff, Mr Dean, Chief Commoner, Ladies and Gentlemen,

The first member of my family to visit Guildhall was King Carol I, in June 1892. Queen Victoria honoured him with a State Visit during which she granted the King the Order of the Garter. It was mentioned in the newspapers of the time that Carol I was very keen to see the art collection of Guildhall. Ever since, each generation of the Romanian Royal Family has been privileged to be the guest of the City of London: King Ferdinand and Queen Marie in 1924, King Carol II in 1938, King Michael in 2011, and my husband and myself, twice in the last years.

In Romania, the last quarter of a century has brought democracy, freedom and the beginnings of prosperity. People are able to travel, to fulfil their dreams, and to consolidate their families and lives. My country has evolved remarkably in that time. Our presence tonight honours the Romania of today and her achievements.

Romanian society surrounds the Royal Family with much warmth, love and trust. My co-nationals feel that the King and his family represent best the identity and the ideals of the Nation. This belief is shared with intensity by the country’s young generation.

Romanians cherish a profound relationship with the British Nation, based on principles, ideals and values. The prestigious gathering tonight proves that my conviction in Romania’s future is justified.

May I extend my thanks to the Guild for this evening’s banquet and the wonderful welcome and superb hospitality that you have shown us, in this building, resonant with history, tradition and pride.

On behalf of all the Guests I would like to propose a toast to The Guild of Freemen of the City of London and its Master, Dr John Smail.

Thank you all!

4 comentarii

  1. Despina Skeletti says:

    Felicitai PRINTESEI pentru momentul de astazi cand a avut ocazia sa rosteasca acest mic discurs, simplu, direct, pornit din inima pentru Tara Romaneasca si pentru Monarhia ei.

  2. Comentarii pe Facebook (I) says:

    Sanda Florentina Popa Chic si Majestuos!
    Liliana Sora Când vorbim de Familia și Casa Regală totul este ireproșabil prin strălucire, totul este desprins din arta rafinamentului și expresia personalităților alese, distinse. Cinste, onoare, respect pentru ASR Principesa Margareta, care se identifică cu dorințele, aspirațiile, speranțele noastre de mai bine.

  3. Nicolae Nita says:

    Priviti imaginea; doar privind si simti ca-ti insenineaza viata si-ti inspira incredere. Nu exista nimic fals in acest zambet si-i oferit cu generozitate exact pentru a-ti incalzi sufletul si a-ti reda inrederea in viata… Sa ne traiesti Alteta, Dumnezeu sa binecuvinteze Casa Regala a Romaniei.



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