Program of the funeral of King Michael I of Romania

December 12, 2017

Secretariat of the Romanian Royal Household

The Press Office of the Romanian Royal Household has been authorised to transmit the following updates regarding the program of the funeral of King Michael I of Romania for Saturday, December 16, 2017 and the journey with the Royal Train:

On Wednesday, December 13, 2017, at 11.00 a.m., His Late Majesty King Michael’s coffin will arrive at Otopeni Airport, whence it will be conveyed by hearse to Pelesh Castle. The event will take place in the presence of the new Head of the Royal House of Romania, Her Majesty Margareta, Custodian of the Crown, and the members of the Romanian Royal Family, representatives of the Romanian Government and of the Orthodox Church and members of the Royal Household. The press will have access to the ceremony. Members of the public will not have access.

From 2.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 13, 2017, the King’s coffin will lie in state in the Hall of Honour at Pelesh Castle. During this interval, the Custodian of the Crown and the Royal Family will be in Sinaia. The timetable for officials visiting Pelesh Castle to convey their condolences is as follows:

  • 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.: The Presidential Institutions of Romania and the Republic of Moldova, members of the Government of Romania and the Government of the Republic of Moldova, members of the Parliament of Romania and the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova.
  • 3 p.m. to 4 p.m.: Representatives of institutions of the Romanian State (National Bank, city and town halls, schools and universities, central and local institutions).
  • 4 p.m. to 5 p.m.: Representatives of the Diplomatic Corps, the European Union, N.A.T.O., and international organisations.
  • 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.: Representatives of the Romanian Academy and the State Academy of the Republic of Moldova, the Orthodox Church, the Catholic Church, and other religious institutions.

Access to Pelesh Castle will be on the basis of the lists communicated in advance to the Royal Protocol by the aforementioned institutions by e-mail at

Members of the public will not have access to the Hall of Honour while the coffin lies in state at Pelesh Castle. The press will have limited access to the Hall of Honour.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017, at 6.00 p.m., His Late Majesty’s coffin will be taken from Pelesh Castle and from 8.30 p.m. will lie in state in the Throne Hall of the Royal Palace (Calea Victoriei, nos. 49-53). The ceremony of the arrival of the coffin in the Throne Room will be private. The press and members of the public will not have access.

All those who wish to lay flowers and to say a prayer at the catafalque of His Late Majesty King Michael I will have access to the Throne Hall of the Royal Palace on Wednesday, December 13, 2017, between 9.00 p.m. and midnight, Thursday, December 14, 2017, between 8.00 a.m. and 10.00 p.m. and Friday, December 15, 2017, between 08.00 a.m. and 10.00 p.m. Entry will be free for everybody. The press will also have access.

Those coming to the Royal Palace to pay their last respects to His Late Majesty King Michael I are asked to abide by the following rules:

  • They should be dressed appropriately, in dark colours.
  • They should not be carrying shopping bags, other kinds of bags, or bulky luggage of any kind.
  • They should not be accompanied by children below the age of seven or by wheeling pushchairs.
  • They should not use cameras or mobile telephones or any other electronic devices. Out of respect for the solemnity of the occasion, it will be forbidden to film or take photographs.
  • They should have their identity cards with them.
  • Members of the public will not be allowed to lay flowers at the catafalque personally. Flowers shall be laid in the garden in front of the Royal Palace or on the pavement in front of the Palace railings. The staff of the Royal Household will be on hand to advise the public.
  • Those coming to the catafalque are asked not to bring books, letters, postcards, stamps, documents or photographs with them. These may be sent by post to the Elisabeta Palace after the event.
  • It is strictly forbidden to smoke or to use mobile telephones within the precincts of the Royal Palace.
  • They should cooperate with the staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs during the security checks that will be carried out in the garden and inside the Royal Palace.
  • Running in the perimeter is strictly forbidden.
  • They should respect the program of activities and the travel route set by the organizers and the instructions of the staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

A first-aid post will be in service during the period of access to the Royal Palace.

At 10.25 a.m., on Saturday, December 16, 2017, a short religious service will be held in the Throne Hall of the Royal Palace.

At 11.00 a.m., His Late Majesty’s coffin will be laid on a catafalque in Royal Palace Square, in front of the Palace. A military and religious ceremony will be held. The public will have free access to Royal Palace Square, within specially marked out areas. The press will also have free access.

At 11.10 a.m., the coffin will be placed on a gun carriage. The funeral cortege will include, a part from the Royal Family, servicemen and women from the Ministry of National Defense and representatives of the Romanian Orthodox Church. As a sign of respect, the gun carriage will be pulled by an operational vehicle of the Romanian Armed Forces.

Between 11.30 a.m. and 12.45 p.m., the funeral cortege will walk from the Royal Palace Square, along Calea Victoriei, then Unirii Square, to the Patriarchal Cathedral.

Between 12.50 p.m. and 2.00 p.m., a funeral mass will take place in the Patriarchal Cathedral of Romania. The press and members of the public will not have access.

At 2.00 p.m., the funeral cortege will travel to Băneasa Royal Railway Station taking the following route: Unirii Square – University Square – Romana Square – Charles de Gaulle Square – The Triumphant Arch – Kiseleff Av. – Bucureşti – Ploieşti Av.

 At 2.40 p.m., His Majesty’s coffin will be transported in the Royal Train to Curtea de Argeș.

 In the Royal Train will travel Her Majesty the Custodian of the Crown and the Royal Family of Romania. The press and public will have access in front of Băneasa Royal Railway Station.

The Royal Train will travel at low speed through the following cities: Chitila (2.51 p.m.) – Titu (3.41 p.m.) – Pitești (4.46 p.m.). All those who want to pay their respects to His Late Majesty King Michael I are welcomed in the railway station of their city.

The Royal Train will arrive at Curtea de Argeş Railway Station, at 5.30 p.m. The funeral cortege will travel from the railway station to Curtea de Arges Cathedral. The press and public will have access in front of Curtea de Arges Railway Station.

At 5.50 p.m., His Late Majesty’s burial service will take place in Curtea de Argeș Cathedral. At 6.20 p.m. His Late Majesty’s coffin will be taken to the New New Episcopal and Royal Cathedral in a procession. The burial will end at 6.40 p.m.

The ceremony will be attended only by Her Majesty the Custodian of the Crown, the Royal Family of Romania and members of foreign Royal Families. The public will not be allowed past the front gates of the Park of the Curtea de Argeș Monastery.

 The press will not be allowed inside the New Cathedral, either before or during the burial ceremony. The New Cathedral will be closed to visitors during the seven days following the funeral.

The Royal Family announces heavy mourning for 40 days and mourning for the first three months after the day of His Late Majesty’s passing.

For further details, please contact the Royal Secretariat and the Press Office by e-mail at and by phone at +40 21 319 09 72.

Books of condolence are open at Pelesh Castle, the Royal Palace (Calea Victoriei), and Elisabeta Palace. The public will be able to sign the books of condolence for forty days after the date of the decease.

Messages of condolence may also be left online, at the following address:

30 comentarii

  1. […] The full programme of King Michael’s funeral has been published on the Royal Family’s website. […]

  2. Lalo Galvan Ramirez says:

    Descanse en paz su majestad, condolencias a la familia real, desde México

  3. Jenny Bocock says:

    His Majesty was a very great and courageous man deeply dedicated to Romania. Crown Princess Margareta has the same commitment. Our hearts go out to her in her loss.

  4. Colin Hunt says:

    With deepest sympathy to Her Royal Highness and members of the Royal Family. His Majesty King Michael was an inspiring figure throughout his life, and it is to be hoped that his memory will continue to enhance the lives of the people of Romania.

  5. Paolo Provinciali says:

    Dall’Italia porgo le mie più sentite condoglianze alla Famiglia Reale Romena per la scomparsa di Sua Maestà re Michele.

  6. Félix Macarro says:

    Mes sincères condoleances pour toute la Famille Royale et en spécial pour la Princesse Margarita, nouvelle Chef de la Maison Royale. Avec la perte de Sa Majesté le Roi Michel une page de la Roumanie se tourne. R.I.P. Barcelona (Espagne).

  7. Epi Raikivi says:

    May our Good Lord bestow peace and comfort into the Romanian Royal Family for the passing of His Late Majesty. And may he rest in peace.

  8. Pedro Miguel de Faria e Silva Carvalho da Graça says:

    As mais sentidas condolências dos amigos monárquicos portugueses. Sua Majestade era trineto da nossa Rainha D. Maria II. Sincere condolencies from your monarchist portuguese Friends. His Late Majesty was great-great grandson of our portuguese queen Mary the 2nd.

  9. daniel lotter says:

    To: Her Royal Highness princess Margarita and the members of the Royal Family
    The people of Romania

    Please accept the most sincere condolences and heartfelt sympathy on the passing of a Father, a mentor, a King and an honest man. The world is ever so much poorer for the loss of King Mihai.

    It is my prayer that God will bless you in this time of mourning and grant you the strength to find consolation in the solemn pride of having such a dignified and remarkable man as father and King.

    May His Majesty rest in peace

    Daniel Lötter
    Cape Town
    South Africa

  10. Josune Basterra Bustinza says:

    Mi más sentidas condolencias desde España, Dios lo tenga en su gloria imán de fuerza a todos sus familiares y amigos.

  11. Galo Peño Gutiérrez says:

    Mi mas sentido pesame por el fallecimiento de su Majestad el Rey Miguel , como Español y monarquico todo mi apoyo y cariño a la familia real Rumana deseando que pronto superen esta perdida y ademas prontamente vuelva a proclamarse la monarquia en Rumania.
    Y aunque pueda parecer morboso me gustaria finalizar con el tradicional grito que se da en estos casos.

  12. Carlos Chevallier Marina says:

    Mi oración por el eterno descanso de S.M. el Rey Miguel y mis condolencias a toda la Familia Real. Con profundo respeto me uno a su pesar.

  13. Sarah McKee says:

    What a sorrow! King Michael was a great man, under inexpressibly difficult circumstances, and a good man. My condolences to the new Head of the Royal House of Romania, Margareta, Custodian of the Crown; to the Royal Family; and to the people of Romania whom King Michael loved with all of his heart.

  14. Jo R says:

    Very saddened by the passing away of HM King Michael. A true Romanian admired throughout Europe and around the world for his courageous actions in WWII.

    Wishing the very best to his daughter, the Custodian of the Crown, from here in the UK.

  15. Miguel Tercero says:

    Gran persona. Lo conoci hace años en Madrid. ¡Que gran Rey y gobernante se ha perdido Rumania!

  16. Diana Lucia Zotescu says:

    We, the people of Romania will never forget His Majesty, for what He meant to us cannot be put in words. As of now, whatever hopes we have for a better Romania will all be directed to our New Head of the Romanian Royal House and Custodian of the Crown for guidance, inspiration and leadership, in Her new capacity of our new Queen, as written in Our King’s legacy. Her Majesty and the Members of the Royal Family can count on our full support.

  17. Olivier Ammour-Mayeur says:

    Le roi Michel était un homme d’une droiture exemplaire. Sa disparition va laisser un vide.

    Je présente mes plus sincères condoléances à la famille royale roumaine en ce moment difficile.

    Et souhaite bon courage à sa Majesté, Margareta, dépositaire de la couronne roumaine, pour la charge qui maintenant lui incombe.

  18. Esteban Vera says:

    Mis mas sinceras condolencias a la Familia Real Rumana, que Dios les colme de su amor y sus bendiciones en estos difíciles momentos y que le conceda la Gracia de la Vida Eterna a Su Majestad el Rey Don Miguel I. Un saludo de solidaridad con mucho afecto y humildad desde Colombia.

  19. Esteban Vera says:

    ¡Larga vida, pronta restauración de la monarquía y prospero reinado a Su Majestad la Reina Margarita, VIVA LA REINA!

  20. Val Rosescu says:

    Our deepest condolences to the Royal Family of Romania.

    The passing of King Michael I of Romania, brought sorrow to us, all. Sadness and regrets.

    We met the Great King Michael I of Romania, back in 1988, while he was visiting The Verdugo Romanian Church, in Los Angeles, California.

    Our mother was full of tears when she was able to shake his hand. She had been schooled at the Royal School “Elena Doamna”.

    We took pictures, which we still have, and we shall never forget His Majesty’s presence, attitude and calm, while he was telling us:

    “We hope to see you in Romania, in a few years”.

    His famous saying “We Do Not Inherit Romania from Our Ancestors; We Borrow It from Our Children”, shall never be forgotten.


  21. Sintem coplesiti de emotie si durere la trecerea din viata a Regelui Romanilor, Majestatea Sa Mihai I… Traind fortat departe de Tara, Majestatea Sa a militat necontenit pentru interested si drepturile Romaniei, dorul de Tara si incredere in Dumnezeu i-au dat tarie…. Acum S-a intors ACASA….pentru eternitate.
    Mereu recunoscatori, ii dorim tarina usoara…. Dumnezeu sa-l odihneasca in pace
    Doina Cociuba-Terrano si familia ,in USA

  22. Sintem coplesiti de emotie si durere la trecerea din viata a Regelui Romanilor, Majestatea Sa Mihai I… Traind fortat departe de Tara, Majestatea Sa a militat necontenit pentru interesele si drepturile Romaniei, dorul de Tara si incredere in Dumnezeu i-au dat tarie…. Acum S-a intors ACASA….pentru eternitate.
    Mereu recunoscatori, ii dorim tarina usoara…. Dumnezeu sa-l odihneasca in pace
    Doina Cociuba-Terrano si familia ,in USA

  23. José Luis Reynolds says:

    Sentido pésame desde España a la familia real. D.E.P. Su padre Carolus fue ayudado por mi abuelo, Carlos Reynolds, a pasar la frontera entre España y Portugal para fijar su residencia en Estoril.

  24. Barbu Constantin says:

    Dumnezeu să-L odihnească!

  25. Fabian carpena says:

    Mi más sentido pésame a la famila real desde Peru. El REY Michael fue una gran persona sera recordado por muchos.

    Viva la reina Margareta de Romania!!!!

  26. Răzvan Ion Preda says:

    Requiescat In Pace King Michael I. Romania didn’t only lose a great and good man but it also lost the historical opportunity of repairing its past and of returning to the values that made it once a great country.
    Sincere condolences to the Romanian Royal Family,
    Razvan Ion Preda

  27. Viviana Jones says:

    Trăiască Regina Margareta a României !

  28. Adrian Paul says:


  29. Mariana Timaru says:

    Regele Mihai a fost curajos in perioada grea print care a trecut in timpul comunist.
    Incercarea de a vizita tara si poporul romin a fost rusinos respinsa de partidul venit la putere dupa revolution din 1989 in frunte cu presedintele Iliescu.
    Poporul romin l-a iubit pentru onestitate, demnitate, sinceritate si dragoste pentru tara si popor.
    Dumnezeu s-al odihnesca in pace !

  30. Adriana Miclaus says:

    Cu multa tristete si durere sufleteasca am urmarit ultimul drum al Regelui nostru Mihai I de aici din Montreal Canada . Am pierdut un rege, un leader, un mare om care reprezenta valorile profunde si traditionale ale romanilor : cinste, omenie, modestie, curaj si perseverenta. Dzeu sa-l odihneasca cu dreptii. Sincere condoleante familiei regale,
    Adriana Maria Miclaus

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