Her Majesty addressed the Parliament, 11 December 2017

Monday, the 11th of December 2017, Her Majesty Margareta, Custodian of the Romanian Crown, addressed both Chambers of the Parliament, in a solemn session held in the honour of His Late Majesty King Michael I of Romania.

The National Anthem was played in the beginning of the session. A film with a fragment of the speech of King Michael I addresed the Romanian Parliament in October 2011 was presented to the audience.

During the session, the President of Romania, His Excellency Klaus Werner Iohannis, the President of the Senate, His Excellency Călin Popescu Tăriceanu, the President of the Chamber of Deputies, His Excellency Liviu Dragnea, the Prime Minister, His Excellency Mihai Tudose, His Beatitude Daniel, Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church, and the representative of the Romanian Academy took the floor.

At the end of the solemn session, the Royal Anthem was played (George Enescu version). It was for the first time since 1946 that the Royal Anthem was played in the Parliament of Romania.

HRH Prince Radu and HRH Princess Marie also attended the Solemn Session, along with the Apostolic Nuntio, Dean of the Diplomatic Corps, and foreign ambassadors accredited to Romania.


Speech of Her Majesty the Custodian of the Crown at the Solemn Session of the Romanian Parliament, 11 December 2017

Mr President of Romania,
Chairmen of the Senate and the Chamber,
Mr Prime Minister,
Your Beatitude, Your Eminence,
Ladies and gentlemen senators and deputies,
Your Excellencies,

The solemnity we participate in is organized to pay tribute to our King, so loved by the Romanian people and admired by the whole world. But the meaning of today’s distinguished assembly has deep roots in 150 years of modern history, full of tragic, as well as uplifting pages.

I lost, as it had the entire nation, a parent. In these difficult moments, we are united in our suffering.

The goodness and forgiveness of my father defeated all the evils of the last century. His wisdom assured the continuity of our country in moments of tragedy and unbearable suffering last century. Even when our King was far away from his country, Romanians saw him as a beacon. For almost a century, King Michael was part of the Romanian state fabric.

A new time starts for the Royal House. With the same values ​​and principles as my father, I will continue to serve the fundamental interests of Romania. Like King Michael, I will devote my work to the Romanians from all over the world.

The Crown will continue to do everything possible, alongside the fundamental institutions of the State, for the country’s progress, in the European Union and NATO. The King has always believed it is our duty to be an integral part of such efforts.

Besides our activities for strengthening Romanian communities, and our charitable projects, my Family and I will continue, along the state institutions, to promote Romania’s true image and her interests globally.

The countries of the world need to know better what Romania achieved in 150 years, as a modern state, what we managed to build in the century that passed from the Great Union and what we accomplished after the fall of communism. Looking back, we can be proud of the progress of our nation.

In my parents’ heart there has always been a “tomorrow”. With the thought of that “tomorrow,” I am grateful to you for today.

So help us God!

Custodian of the Romanian Crown

Photos: ©Daniel Angelescu


17 comentarii

  1. Raine Martinez says:

    May His Majesty’s memory be a blessing.

  2. […] Royal Family of Romania: Margareta Custodian of the Romanian Crown addressed the Parliament in Solem… […]

  3. Telatin Fabiano says:

    My family’s and my condolences to the Royal Family of Romania for His Majesty‘s passing. May God comfort your hearts.

  4. Diana Lucia Zotescu says:

    The entire Solemn Session held in the Romanian Parliament was an event of high emotional density. I really had the clear impression that all the speakers were not just delivering speeches because they were expected to, but they really meant every single word they said. And , yes, I was very happy – and sad, at the same time for the King was not there to listen to it – to hear the Royal Anthem (included into Enescu’s “Poema Romana”) in the Parliament (where it should have been played on the 25th of october 2011.)

    Her Majesty Margareta will certainly be more than capable to shoulder all the great responsibilities incumbent to Her as a Custodian of the Crown. And we, the people, will help in every way we can.

  5. Dumnezeu Să-l odihnească în pace! Condoleanțe familiei.

    My family’s and my condolences to the Royal Family of Romania for His Majesty‘s passing. May God comfort your hearts.




  6. Helena Snyder Ebenstein, Austria says:

    With deep sorrow we have learnt of the demise of His Majesty King Mihai. Please allow us to extend to Her Royal Highness and Members of the bereaved Royal Family as well as to the People of Rumania our sincere sympathy and heartfelt condolences for this loss. His Majesty’s heritage, his vision and his devotion to the people of Rumania will always be remembered.
    Yours faithfully
    Helena Snyder Ebenstein

  7. Esteban Vera, Columbia says:

    ¡Larga vida, pronta restauración de la monarquía y prospero reinado a Su Majestad la Reina Margarita, VIVA LA REINA!

  8. Olivier Ammour-Mayeur says:

    Le roi Michel était un homme d’une droiture exemplaire. Sa disparition va laisser un vide.

    Je présente mes plus sincères condoléances à la famille royale roumaine en ce moment difficile.

    Et souhaite bon courage à sa Majesté, Margareta, dépositaire de la couronne roumaine, pour la charge qui maintenant lui incombe.

  9. Ander Pontesta Apalategui, Caracas says:

    I want to express my sincere and heartfelt condolences to HRH Princess Margaret and the rest of the royal family for the loss of HM the King. Without a doubt a fundamental piece in the history of Europe. All the monarchist feel this loss as our.

  10. Ayla Cristina C. De Oliveira, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil says:

    I would like to express my most sincere condolences on the death of King Mihai I.
    May the God almighty bring comfort and peace to the family’s heart and may the King rest in peace at God’s side.

    Sincerely, Ayla.

  11. Val Rosescu says:

    Our deepest condolences to the Royal Family of Romania.

    The passing of King Michael I of Romania, brought sorrow to us, all. Sadness and regrets.

    We met the Great King Michael I of Romania, back in 1988, while he was visiting The Verdugo Romanian Church, in Los Angeles, California.

    Our mother was full of tears when she was able to shake his hand. She had been schooled at the Royal School “Elena Doamna”.

    We took pictures, which we still have, and we shall never forget His Majesty’s presence, attitude and calm, while he was telling us:

    “We hope to see you in Romania, in a few years”.

    His famous saying “We Do Not Inherit Romania from Our Ancestors; We Borrow It from Our Children”, shall never be forgotten.


  12. Fabian Carpena says:

    Mi más sentido pésame a la famila real desde Peru. El REY Michael fue una gran persona sera recordado por muchos.

    Viva la reina Margareta de Romania!!!!

  13. Guillermo Antonio Pérez García says:

    Expreso mis más sinceras condolencias a Su Majestad Margarita de Rumania y a la Casa Real de Rumania por el fallecimiento de su padre el rey Miguel I, quien se distinguió por oponerse a los regímenes de gobiernos totalitarios y defender la democracia en su país durante la segunda guerra mundial. Oramos porque Dios nuestro Señor les conceda el consuelo y conduzca el alma del rey a la luz perpetua. AMEN

  14. Martin Wiegand, Mannheim Germany says:

    God save Queen Margareta and Prince Radu!

  15. Corina Cocian-Mircu says:

    Va sustinem si va pretuim si pe majestatatea voastra la fel cum l/am admirat si pe majestatea sa regele Mihai.Va doresc sa trececi cu bine si peste aceasta trista perioada.Din cer regele va fi alaturi de majestatea vostra.

  16. Schmidt, Joachim says:

    Majestät IKH Margareta
    sende Ihnen und Ihrer Familie Gottes Segen und das Beileid zum Ableben des Vaters

  17. Hugo Ricardo Loyola Pinho Klat - Brazil says:

    Bravo !!! Congratulations Romenia !! You have a great queen. God save Queen Maragareta !

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