Her Majesty Margareta of Romania’s Christmas Message 2021

Christmas message of Her Majesty Margareta of Romania

December 24, 2021

The year 2021 has not been easy. As last year, the pandemic continues to darken our lives. People feel exasperated, sad, and discouraged. I extend my condolences to all those who have lost relatives, friends, or colleagues. I, too, went through mourning and sorrow. That’s why I understand those who have lost a loved one. However, I am confident that we will see the light at the end of the tunnel!

Now, at the end of the year, my thoughts go out to the elderly, because they have so much to offer to society (especially to the young people), and sometimes their age is seen as a weakness instead of being appreciated as a treasure.

Thanks to the young Romanians, I have confidence in the future. We have an admirable new generation, well-educated and specialized. They are full of initiative and creativity. But we still have a lot of them abroad. I hope that, in a not too distant future, young Romanians will have reasons to return home.

I extend my admiration and affection to the Romanian military, who honour the country and their families!

Warm congratulations to the private sector, which, despite the pandemic and political and administrative difficulties, has shown professionalism, the ability to adapt and the strength to move forward.

In 2021 we celebrated 140 years since the proclamation of the Kingdom of Romania, when our country became a sovereign and independent state. And October marked the 100th anniversary of King Michael’s birth. My thanks to everyone who honoured the memory of my father!

As every year, my family sought to promote the Romanian economy, education, respect for the environment, science, and the arts. Despite the pandemic, we undertook to give confidence and support to local communities, through our work with the Red Cross, the Margareta of Romania Royal Foundation, through the organizations with royal patronage and through the projects of my House.

In our darkest hour and confusion around the world, the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus and his love for us are a beacon of light for everyone. At Christmas, we carry all our loved ones in our souls, even if sometimes we can’t be together.

These years of suffering have brought us together, in heart and mind, connecting people everywhere, regardless of their religion, language or origin.

I wish all Romanians in the country, in the Republic of Moldova and those far from home and family,  good health, a better New Year, hope and peace of mind!

So help us God!

2 comentarii

  1. GIOVANNA CASU says:


  2. Särbätori fericite, Majestate – La Multi Ani – Frohes Weihnachtsfest aus Deutschland, Majestät

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