Declaration of the Romanian Royal Council, 2 March 2016

The Royal Council convened in its fifth session, on Tuesday the 1st and Wednesday the 2nd of March 2016, at the request of His Majesty the King, at Morges in Switzerland.

The Royal Council took cognisance of the state of health of His Majesty, who recently underwent a surgical operation. The diagnoses reached by the medical team are “metastasising epidermoid carcinoma” and “chronic leukaemia.”

His Majesty is undergoing complex and demanding treatment, which prevents him from appearing in public, and henceforward he will be spending a period of time in recuperation.

King Michael I has decided to issue the following message:

In the last few weeks, I have received news of a serious medical diagnosis. The situation has arisen in the year in which the Royal Family and Romania celebrate the 150th anniversary of the founding of the dynasty and the modern Romanian State.

I am confident that my daughter, Margareta, the Custodian of the Crown, will find the wisdom and the strength to represent me and to fulfil all my public activities.

I have asked the Royal Council to continue to serve their mission and to provide their advice to the Custodian of the Crown.

Michael R

1 March 2016

The Royal Council was received by His Majesty the King on the morning of Wednesday the 2nd of March 2016.

In accordance with the Fundamental Laws of the Royal Family of Romania, the Royal Council remains at the disposal of the Custodian of the Crown.

1 comentariu

  1. Am promis Regelui Mihai care este foarte bolnav ca vom infiinta in Los Angeles un Centru Cultural Rominesc in care vom onora Casa Regala.Eu stiu ca tu esti un om de cuvint si va deveni o realitate.Am vrut sa primeasca de la noi aceasta veste caci simt ca l-ar face sa se simta bine.Si mama pe care am pierdut-o acum 8 ani era extrem de chinuita de grija pentru mine si Regele ne iubeste pe noi Rominii cu toate ca nu domneste in Rominia.

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