Crown Princess Margareta’s birthday at Pelesh Castle

Nine O’Clock, March 27, 2015


Nine O’Clock, March 26, 2015

2 comentarii

  1. Diana Lucia Zotescu says:

    @Ms. Dana Purgaru (“Nine O’Clock”)

    It is nice of the “Nine O’Clock” journal to write an articlce about such an auspicious event like the one having taken place yesterday at the Peles Castle occasioned by HRH Princess Margareta’s anniversary festivities, having President amd Mrs. Iohannis as guests of honour.

    Regretfully though, I must remind you that the syntagm “presedinte in exercitiu” (that I assume you – and other jurnalists as well – used in relation to President Iohannis, that was then translated as “acting president”) is completele incorrect and impropper when referring to someone who is occupying this position as a result of elections. He is just ‘President Iohannis’, with no adjective needed.

    To give you an example, Mr. Crin Antonescu was ‘acting president’ for the duration of president Basescu’s temporary absence from Cotroceni. The same applies to whoever occupies this position on a temporary basis when the president is on sick leave, or out of the country, or on any other situation rendering him incapable to perform his duties for a limited period of time. Since the country cannot remain without a president – no matter how short his absence, his duties are transfered to an “acting president.”

    The only situation when this title needs an adjective is during the period between the day the new president wins the elections to the day the old president leaves his office (the so-called ‘taking over’): the new president is called “president elect”.

    So we have: president – acting president – president elect. The Romanian syntagm ‘presedinte in exercitiu’ is utterly confusing to people from countries where such nuances of meaning are properly used.

    Moreover, whoever translates the articles for your newspaper should be more careful about grammar, word-order and the use of words.

    prof. Diana Lucia Zotescu

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