Crown Princess Margareta, the new President of the Romanian Red Cross

Video News

Friday, May 15, 2015, in Brașov (Romania), the General Assembly of the Romanian Red Cross National Society elected Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Margareta as President of the Romanian Red Cross.

Romanian Red Cross was created in 1876, under the reign of King Carol I and benefited from an important support from Queen Elisabeta, the first Queen of the Romanians. From 1915, the Romanian Red Cross received the Patronage of Queen Marie, who was a symbol, an ambassador and an inspirational leader of the organization. An important partnership with the Red Cross was provided by Queen Helen, the Queen Mother of Romania, during the Second World War.

Crown Princess Margareta made a public statement in which Her Royal Highness expressed her gratitude to the Romanian Red Cross representatives, who re-established a long and valuable tradition of partnership between the oldest organization in the country and the Romanian Crown.


2 comentarii

  1. Comentarii pe Facebook says:

    Elena Paunescu Lady !
    Ecaterina Bisinicu Distinsa !
    Nicoleta Ciobanu A true queen
    Marius Berila God save our Queen!!!!
    Gabriela Figo O regina!
    Constantin Paul Lucrul ce mi l-as dori cel mai mult ar fi s-o vad pe prinţesa in locul presedintelui
    ياسر النفيلي
    طب مساءك
    Dorina Mihai Felicitari Principesei pentru look. Minunata.
    Silvia Cristoiu Distinsa !
    Jane McCall Eleganta ,distinsa cu mult gust felicitari
    Doina Nita Alteta Sa Regala,Principesa Margareta, este o femeie frumoasa si distinsa, o adevarata doamna. Mi-ar placea sa o vad si imbracata in portul nostru romanesc, ca Regina Maria.
    Fluture Lavinia Congratulations and all the best for the future of Romania!!
    Klarika Budai Felicitari si mult succes, multe rezultate!

  2. Diana Lucia Zotescu says:

    An exceptionally important step forward for the Romanian Red Cross Society on its way toward bridging its today’s activity to its historical prestige and glorious traditions under the Crown. May God provide His grace and guidance to our Crown Princess Margareta in successfully performing Her new duties that are so much in keeping with both Her inner inclinations and professional training.

    Heartfelt congratulations!

    Nihil Sine Deo!
    prof. Diana Lucia Zotescu

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