Women’s leadership: Model for 3rd millennium


Crown Princess Margarita of Romania

10 April 2013



Both my background in sociology, international law and political science, as well as the fact that I have been blessed to have in my family’s heritage the example of exceptional women who have played an influential role in public life, have forged my strong belief that women have a paramount role to play in today’s world.

My great-grandmother Queen Marie, queen consort of Romania from 1914 to 1927, remains a greatly admired and beloved figure.

Her humanitarian and diplomatic efforts for our country during World War I and subsequently during the 1919 Paris Peace Conference won her worldwide acclaim and affection.

She was here in Turkey many years before me. She came as a messenger of peace and reconciliation between our two nations.

Her predecessor, Elisabeta, the first queen of Romania, besides being a progressive queen, was
a famous international author and poetess, known all over Europe under the pseudonym of “Carmen Sylva.”

She published over 53 volumes in seven European languages, she founded institutions for the poor, schools, hospitals, soup kitchens, convalescent homes, cooking schools and crèches, she fought for the respect for sanitary laws,

Against Nazism

My grandmother, Queen Helen of Romania, played a luminous, if discreet, role in the dark history of Romania in the 20th century. She was a courageous and strong woman, thrown into the midst of history’s brutal machinations, while single-handedly educating her son in the skills of leadership. She was a constant support of the democratic forces of Romania during the years between 1940 and 1947. Her role in World War II will not be forgotten by the thousands whose lives she saved and who she cared for. In the face of the tyranny of Nazism, she displayed a resolutely strong character, pursuing what she knew to be right and good. She was involved in saving the lives of thousands of people of the Jewish faith during the dictatorship of Marshal Antonescu.

And today my mother, Queen Anne, is a living reminder that, in the face of danger, women look forward and are ready to fight for a noble cause – that of freedom and democracy. Queen Anne was a lieutenant in the French Army, fought in World War II driving an ambulance, as a military nurse, and was awarded the Croix de Guerre by France for her service.

In today’s society women have the chance to show that achievement does not mean only gain for one’s self, but also common gain.

With this mindset women can bring a different view into humanity’s fight against climate change, growing social inequality and extremism in all its forms.

Our capacity for caring is our strength. Whenever disaster strikes women are found to be those who can be trusted with rebuilding quickly and effectively the resource networks needed for a community to prosper. And women, when given the chance, have been shown to be the most reliable, fair and successful private entrepreneurs of the world.

4 comentarii

  1. Sunt de acord că Principesa Moștenitoare este un luminos exemplu de urmat. Să-i dorim cu toții viață lungă, sănătate și putere!

  2. Diana Lucia Zotescu says:

    Altetele Voastre,

    Summit-ul Marmara de la Istanbul a beneficiat, prin participarea Altetelor Voastre ca reprezentanti ai Romaniei, de cea mai inalta si competenta participare. Discursul atat de articulat, de succint – si totusi atat de bogat in idei – al Altetei Sale Regale Principesei Mostenitoare Margareta da contur clar tematicii acestui Summit: Capacitatea Femeilor Mileniului III de a Conduce.

    Alteta Sa a facut o foarte scurta – dar bine tintita – trecere in revista a inaltei Sale mosteniri in privinta experientei de a conduce, fiind fericita -pentru noi, romanii – mostenitoare a experientei benefice in domeniu a unui sir lung de regine ale Romaniei ce I-au precedat: Regina Elisabeta (Carmen Sylva) – stra-strabunica, Regina Maria – strabunica , Regina-Mama Elena – bunica, si Regina Ana – mama, toate dotate cu un deosebit potential de jertfire de sine in slujirea poporului roman si a unor cauze nobile, toate dovedind in vremuri de restriste fortitudine, curaj, demnitate si capacitate extrema in apararea unor principii si idei juste si vitale natiei si tarii la momentul cand au fost luate, dar si in perspectiva viitoare. Pentru ca, trebuie sa recunoastem, Romania a beneficiat din plin de abnegatia cu care Reginele ei s-au pus energiile, talentul, spiritul diplomatic si toate darurile cu care fusesera harazite de Dumnezeu in slujba neprecupetita a tarii si a neamului atat in vreme de pace, dar si cand se afla in impas. Iar acum Romania este din nou intr-un mare impas. Este in impas inca din 1947, si nimeni nu a putut-o scoate inca la liman. Principesa noastra Mostenitoare si-a dovedin din plin potentialul in acest sens.

    Deosebit de important este paragraful cu care Principesa Margareta si-a incheiat alocutiunea Sa la Summitul Marmara, referitor la rolul de conducator al femeii:

    “…Capacitatea noastra de daruire este esenta fortei noastre. Oridecateori loveste dezastrul, se constata ca femeile sunt acelea care se dovedesc capabile de a reconstrui repede si eficient reteaua de resurse necesarre unei comunitati pentru a prospera. Si tot femeile, atunci cand li se da posibilitatea, se dovedesc a fi cei mai de incredere, de onesti si mai de succes antreprenori din lume.” (Paragraful final al discursului Altetei Sale Regale Principesa Mostenitoare Margareta, publicat in ziarul turcesc “Hurriet Daily News”, Istanbul, 10 aprilie 2013).

    Ar mai fi oare altceva de adaugat la aceste cuvinte, atat de simple si de incarcate de sens, dar mai ales atat de acoperite de faptele de pana acum ale Altetei Sale? In afara de ignoranta, de indoctrinare si reflexe comuniste, sau de misoginism grosier, are cineva contra-argumente viabile si valabile care sa poata rasturna logica acestor cuvinte?

    prof. Diana Lucia Zotescu

  3. Cerasela Platz says:

    Femeile sunt astazi mai angajate decat acum doua sute de ani spre exemplu.
    Femeile sunt astazi in toate domeniile reprezentate si active, la fel de competente precum barbatii.
    Femeile intimpina greutati din partea unor barbati, indeosebi in politica, armata si biserica. Cred cu incredere in drepturi egale intre femei si barbati in orice domeniu.

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