The Annual Dinner at Guildhall, December 12, 2011

Opening address of His Royal Highness Prince Radu of Romania

My Lord Mayor,

Your Royal Highnesses,

My Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen,

On behalf of the Crown Princess of Romania and myself, I would like to say how honoured we are to be your guests this evening, in this historic building, which has witnessed so many of the significant events of your nation, such as the trial of England’s “Nine Day Queen”, Lady Jane Grey, the publication of King James Bible, the Great Fire of London, and The Blitz, to name but a few.

By British standards, a hundred years tradition of an institution is modest. However, in Oriental Europe, and by Romanian standards, a hundred year tradition is a rare achievement. This is why the ties forged in the last nine decades, between the Guild of The Freemen of the City of London, and the Royal House of Romania, are a source of pride and inspiration for us today.

In 1924, the Guild hosted a magnificent dinner in honour of King Ferdinand and Queen Marie of Romania, during their State Visit to Britain. Fourteen years later, in 1938, King Carol II and Crown Prince Michael were the guests of the Guild. Years later, in 1995, King Michael returned as a guest of the Guild, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the end of WWII.  Then, just under two decades later, in 2011, King Michael, on the occasion of his 90th birthday, was a guest once more, to receive the Freedom of The City of London. A few months later, it was his pleasure to host an event for the Guild in Bucharest.

It is therefore, a privilege for the Crown Princess and myself, together with Princess Helena of Romania and her husband Mr Alexander Nixon, to represent the fifth generation of the Romanian Royal Family at the Guildhall this evening.

In the last 22 years, Their Majesties King Michael and Queen Anne, and Her Royal Highness the Crown Princess, have endeavoured to help Romania regain her place in the European family of free nations. This work continues, as Romania has yet to recover economically, to improve institutionally, to battle the blight of corruption, to consolidate her reputation abroad, and develop her self-confidence within local communities. A Royal Foundation was founded twenty years ago to help elderly people, children, the youth of Romania and to promote social projects. Two decades later, The Foundation has had times of challenging frustrations and disappointments, but also times of great success. And during these 22 years, the impeccable model of unwavering service; devotion and commitment to people and nation, symbolically embodied in Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, and of her Family, has been a source of inspiration for all of us.

Romania has achieved much in the last two decades. A quarter of the population of the country study, work or live in the European Union. Half a million Romanians are students in universities in Romania, Europe or America. Romanian legislation is completely European, and democracy is present in political life. The King and us, carry an annual workload of events and visits to represent the interests of our country in Europe, America, Asia and Africa.

In this context, our presence tonight at the Guildhall is both an honour and a privilege. It is also a source of encouragement. In such a cynical and disruptive world, ideals such as tradition, duty, the power of personal example, continuity and attachment to national values and symbols, impart meaning to the functions of the institutions of The State, and give meaning to our lives.

Bearing in mind the example of devotion and impeccable service to the Nation of your Queen, and the amazing determination, patience, faith and love for his people displayed by King Michael, my wife and I, together with our family, thank you for allowing us to be part of such a wonderful event. Furthermore, we hope that this noble institution and its values continue for many centuries to come.

In conclusion, I would like to propose a toast to The Lord Mayor, The City of London Corporation and The Sheriffs.

1 comentariu

  1. Cristian says:

    “Daca persoanele care au pus mana pe conducerea tarii ar fi vrut intr-adevar sa faca bine, nu numai sa capete puterea, ar fi apelat la oameni de stiinta si de cultura, le-ar fi cerut sfatul, i-ar fi antrenat in conducerea efectiva a tarii. Toti acestia au fost impiedicati sa se apropie de parghiile de unde ar fi putut sa actioneze spre binele tarii. S-au facut asupra lor presiuni, au fost supusi unor campanii de compromitere, dupa scoala denigratorilor sovietici, asa incat omul simplu sa spuna: bine, bine, astia nu sunt de isprava, dar cine sa vina in locul lor? Asa s-a creat impresia ca Romania e o tara saraca in personalitati si ca singurii care se pricep la politica sunt comunistii.”

    “Ma pune pe ganduri faptul ca se continua experimentele pe pielea oamenilor si oamenii inca nu-si dau seama de asta. Sa lansam zvonuri, sa vedem care e reactia, sa luam o masura – si, daca lumea tace si o inghite, o pastram, daca iese scandal facem un pas inapoi. Cine foloseste populatia pentru asemenea experimente savarseste o crima impotriva omului. Sunt puteri care vor sa transforme omul intr-un fel de animal de cusca. Dispretul este poate cel mai periculos sentiment atunci cand el este practicat de sus in jos si ajunge sa domine relatiile intre oameni.”

    (Ciobanu Mircea, “Convorbiri cu Mihai I al Romaniei”, Ed. Humanitas 2008, pag. 298-299)

    Alteta Voastra;
    Citeam recent aceste randuri, cu marturisirile Majestatii Sale de acum 20 de ani si realizez cat de actuale sunt acele aprecieri. Cat de actuale sunt acele metode manipulatorii, ale scolii sovietice probabil. Nu pot sa nu ma gandesc cu groaza la ce-ar putea sa ne astepte in viitorul apropiat, pentru ca situatia de acum mi se pare ca seamana izbitor cu aceea din anii ’45-’47, adica zorii unei dictaturi crunte, una care a avut girul puterilor occidentale.
    Evenimentele si declaratiile recente ale…ma rog, celui care ar fi trebuit sa fie un adevarat presedinte, nu imi prea lasa loc de speranta. Ce inseamna “daca Parlamentul decide altceva, e treaba lui”??? Cum vine asta intr-un stat de drept? Sau ma rog, asa-zis de drept.
    Cum sa stipulezi in Constitutia tarii chestiuni de ordin economic, cu deficite bugetare si alte asemenea? Si toate acestea cat mai rapid, ca nu e timp de dezbateri, inutile oricum. Cum sa comasezi alegeri, sa prelungesti mandatele unor oameni alesi pentru 4 ani, din ratiuni economice? Asta apropo de faptul ca democratia costa, iar dictatura e pe gratis.
    Aceeasi graba pe care o sesiza si Majestatea Sa in aceeasi carte, in ce-i privea pe comunistii de atunci, care aveau de executat ordinele Moscovei.
    Ordinele cui, sau jocurile cui le face actualul presedinte?
    Partial sunt categoric jocurile si interesele sale, fara dubiu, de a se mentine cu orice pret la putere, pentru asta fiind dispus sa calce in picioare suveranitatea tarii, interesele nationale, in favoarea unor interese obscure, straine probabil, care l-ar ajuta in planurile sale oricum autocrate.
    Mi se pare incredibil ce ne e dat sa traim, totusi la mai bine de doua decenii de cand de bine de rau s-a prabusit un regim dictatorial (cel putin la nivel oficial).
    Singura speranta pentru normalitate si decenta in aceasta tara e reprezentata de monarhie. Altfel suntem ca o frunza in bataia vantului, extrem de vulnerabili.

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