Princely Guests at Romanian Charity Gala

10a8f534504f0c78dd87f5139d09d362_generic – 2nd of March 2011

Yesterday evening, Women Leadership in Europe*  held a Charity Gala at the Hotel Le Royal under the high patronage and with Special Guest HRH Prince Radu of Romania.

Dozens of people from the economic, diplomatic and political world in Luxembourg attended and were treated to a wonderful evening, serenaded by a traditional Romanian group of musicians – Sava Negrean-Brudascu, Ioan Berci and their band – during the cocktail reception prior to the banquet dinner and tombola.

This event was the association’s number one fund-raiser, with two chaitable causes benefitting from the event: The first supports the Leadership Academy held in Romania in recent years under the patronage of HRH Prince Radu of Romania.

And the second encourages talented students who have distinguished themselves by exceptional results in national and international competitions as part of the “Clara Moraru scholarship” created by the Spiru Haret High School and the town of Tecuci in 2010, under the project funded by Women Leaders Luxembourg.

The 6 “Clara Moraru” students from 2010 were present at the Charity Gala: Victor Miron, voted Best Romanian student of the year in 2010, first prize in the International Chemistry “Chimexpert” competition; Gianina Drut, first prize in the National Romanian competition in language and literature; Simina Diaconu, silver medal at the International Mathematics competition; Andrei Ciocan, third prize in the National Informatics competition; Adelina Gorgan, special mention in the national Geography competition; Alexandru Hulea, special mention at National Mathematics Competiton.

* Women Leadership in Europe is an initiative of Group Moraru sàrl which include the publishing of 2 books on women leaders in Luxembourg and the Greater Region, and regular events entitled “Inspiring women”.

1 comentariu

  1. Moise Gheorghe says:

    La multi ani Majestatilor si Altetelor Voastre Regale ale Romaniei . Ne rugam Bunului Dumnezeu sa va tina indelungata vreme sanatosi si in timpul cel mai scurtsa reinstauram Monarhia Constitutionala in Romania ,asa cumne-a lasat-o inaintasii Majestatilor si Altetelor Voastre Regale.

    Asa sa ne ajute Dumnezeu

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