
In Romania, we are passing through an economic crisis, and we also face a political and an institutional crisis. Both vulnerabilities need to be overcome quickly and well by Romanian society.

The fundamental responsibility of the political parties is to offer to Romanians a competent, stable Government, with a vision for the next 4 to 8 years to come. According to the rules of democracy and to the Romanian Constitution, the solution for a good Government can only come from the Parliament and from the political parties. Through rational and correct political dynamics, we can obtain a majority in the Parliament able to generate a Government capable of facing the current time of crisis.

This is the direction in which the leaders of the Romanian political parties should use their power and ability. This is what the business environment, both Romanian and international, expects from them. This is what the whole of Romanian society also expects from them.

Instead, the leaders of the Romanian political parties fight for the Presidential office. The most powerful politicians of the main three political parties in the Parliament, Traian Basescu, Mircea Geoana and Crin Antonescu, are fully engaged in the presidential campaign. However the Romanian Constitution does not give the President any administrative powers. But what Romania urgently needs now is good governance.

I urge civil society, its most valuable personalities, to bring into the public space a debate able to advise the political class to change the direction of their struggle. To help the Institution of the President of Romania to place itself in the space of statehood values, of equilibrium, moderation and of the strength to stay united. And to encourage the most important politicians to take on in Parliament a valid political solution, in order to ensure a stable, predictable and competent governance, for the next 4 to 8 years.

This is the only democratic and responsible solution to take Romania out of the economic crisis and of the political and institutional ambiguity that the country faces today.

Prince Radu of Romania
August 5th, 2009

5 comentarii

  1. gabriel says:

    de ca ati scris in engleza?

  2. Alice of Vonderland says:

    I totaly agree with YRH and once again YRH revealed the primordial problem of romanian society : institutional ambiguity.
    God Bless Romania !

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