Competence and sense of duty. A regional perspective


Speech of His Royal Highness Prince Radu of Romania
The Sixteenth Marmara Eurasian Economic Summit in Istanbul, 9-11 April 2013

Mr Chairman,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Thank you for inviting me to this significant annual economic and political event in the region. The Marmara Summit remains, after sixteen years, a valuable and, sadly, rare example of how building trust, friendship and common interest is vital for our region.

The world is, after five years, still paying the consequences of a deep economic crisis, related to a less visible moral crisis and a decreasing trust and respect of democratic societies in their political leaders. The Eurasian Summit in Istanbul brings, with competence and courage, in the public dialog, topics such as greediness and mismanagement of resources versus opportunities, competitiveness at global level, and innovation.

Much has been said about the economy, resources and energy, about politics, co-operation and development in the Middle East and North Africa, especially after the Arab Spring. Focusing on these areas, as well as on Central Asia and Southeast Europe, the Marmara Summit provides a platform of dialog and a fountain of ideas about this part of the world.

Perhaps it would be useful to speak for a few minutes about three extraordinary resources of our times that are bountiful in this part of the world.

First, the competent youth. Whereas countries elsewhere in the world experience demographic decline, in Turkey, as well as in other countries of Asia, the Middle East, South-Eastern Europe and North Africa, the younger generation offers to society, year after year, an extraordinary potential of energy, intelligence, knowledge, and creativity. More than ever, the world’s famous universities are full of Romanians, Chinese, Indians, Turks, Russians, and Africans. Their competence is far more effective and at a much earlier age than that of our generation. However, instead of using this fantastic asset for the benefit of our development and progress, our society seems to see only “the empty half of the glass”, which translates as worries about a youth invasion of the labour market and Governments inability to cope with it.

Second, human energy and creativity. In Romania, as in other former communist countries, the creativity and energy of people of all ages is striking. Perhaps it is the result of the accumulation, within society, of a half a century of isolation, frustration, and lack of freedom. The same potential in terms of human creativity and energy is present in Turkey, Egypt, and the Central Asian countries and everywhere else in the wider region mentioned earlier. A good, wise and long-lasting political projection should take into account this priceless resource, which does not require the building of any “pipeline” in order to transport it. Rather, it requires the building of a bridge of wisdom, generosity, a sense of duty, and loyalty. And, sadly, in the Western world nowadays, these virtues mean almost nothing.

Finally, communication. The rise of the Internet and other electronic means of communication, their extraordinary evolution, and their instantaneous penetration in our societies provide (at least in theory) an unprecedented chance to build bridges between generations, meridians, cultures, economies and leaderships. We do have a huge chance to enhance connectedness between generations, countries and professions and thereby foster development and progress in the world.
Obviously, to transform these unusual sources of energy into development and progress is a question of responsibility. And this responsibility is certainly shared by our governments and civil society. While the political leadership is coming under increasing scrutiny and criticism by citizens, it is no less true that civil society is proving to be more and more selfish, more and more irresponsible and obsessed with laying hold of democracy and freedom rather than exercising them.

Occasions when the opportunity arises to speak of virtues such as a sense of duty, generosity, wise foresight and loyalty are blessed moments for the community. And I thank you again for this privilege today.

2 comentarii

  1. Diana Lucia Zotescu says:

    Alteta Voastra,

    Discursurile Altetei Voastre, asa precum m-au obisnuit si cartile pe teme politice pe care le-ati scris, sunt adevarate tezaure de idei. Stilul Vostru concis, clar, direct si bine suprapus temei in dezbatere este deja un ‘trade mark’ – daca mi se iarta folosirea unui termen folosit mai mult in domeniul economic.

    Este cum nu se poate mai adevarata remarca Altetei Voastre privitoare la efectele foarte negative asupra tuturor aspectelor vietii sociale exercitate de criza financiara, economica dar mai ales de criza morala (uneori mai greu de sesizat dar cu atat mai periculoasa).

    Dupa parerea mea – si probabil si a altora – criza morala este un factor determinant al derapajelor multor alte domenii. Cel putin in Romania cred ca a fost mai intai criza morala, indusa si intretinuta de comunisti, si apoi consolidata cu dementa fervoare de cei ce s-au instalat in pozitii cheie de fabricat averi pentru uzul proriu. Acesta a fost ca un fel de semnal de “liber la jaf” care, ca un tsunami nimicitor, i-a sorbit si i-a antrenat pe toti cei de aceeasi teapa, care nu s-au impiedicat in elanul lor demolator nici de principii, nici de scrupule, si nici de valori morale. Si din pacate nu au fost si nu sunt putini. Pentru acestia altruismul, binele comun, sunt cuvinte goale, ce tin de utopie.

    Alteta Voastra V-ati axat cu precadere pe analiza punctuala si succinta a principalelor (pentru ca, desigur, sunt si altele) resurse ce pot fi folosite pentru realizarea progresului in zonele geografice mentionate (Europa de Sud-Est, Orientul Mijlociu, Asia si Nordul Africii): tineretul, creativitatea si energia umana nefolosita atata timp si posibilitatile rapide oferite de internet pentru a permite accfesul la informatie.

    Dar, desigur, asa dupa cum ati subliniat, pentru ca aceste minunate trei resurse sa contribuie la dezvoltare, la progres si la bunastare este nevoie de un ingredient vital, esential: implicarea responsabila a guvernelor dar si a societatii civile, precum si de a-l ajuta atat pe politician cat si pe cetateanul de rand sa gaseasca sensul real, existent candva, al simtului datoriei, generozitatii, gandirii intelepte in perspectiva si al loialitatii fata de valorile autentice.

    Un discurs in cheia inteleapta cu care ne-ati obisnuit, Alteta Voastra, si care ne umple de speranta.
    Cu cele mai profunde sentimente de atasament,
    Diana Lucia Zotescu

  2. De ani buni, (ce semnificativ se potrivește, în context, locuțiunea aceasta adverbială cu valoare polisemantică!), Alteța Voastră reprezintă cu mare eficacitate interesele României în lume, merit pentru care vă exprimăm gratitudinea și speranța noastră. Evident, speranța ca regalitatea să revină, într-un orizont temporal rezonabil, la cârma Țării, spre a o scoate – laolaltă, Suverani și cetățeni – din marasm. NIHIL SINE DEO!

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