Former Lithuanian President Vytautas Landsbergis, guest of the Romanian Royal Family
From Tuesday June 23 to Friday June 26, 2015, His Excellency Vytautas Landsbergis, President of the Republic of Lithuania 1990-1992, and his wife, Professor Gražina Ručytė-Landsbergienė, will visit Romania as guests of Crown Princess Margareta and Prince Radu, at Elisabeta Palace and Pelesh Castle. Organised by the Romanian Foundation for Democracy at the initiative of Professor Emil Constantinescu, President of Romania 1996-2000, the visit will include a ceremony at the National University of Music, in which President Landsbergis will receive an Honorary Doctorate, and a joint lecture at the Romanian Athenaeum, given by Presidents Landsbergis and Constantinescu. On behalf of His Majesty King Michael I, President Landsbergis will be granted the Grand Cross of the Order of the Crown of Romania, in a ceremony at Pelesh Castle. The ceremony will be followed by a dinner in the State Dining Room, hosted by Crown Princess Margareta and Prince Radu. |
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