BBC despre Mesajul Reginei Elisabeta a II-a

The Queen and other members of the Royal Family are spending Christmas Day at Sandringham in Norfolk.

They attended a Christmas Day service at St Mary Magdalene church on the royal estate where prayers were said for troops in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Most of the royals walked the quarter of a mile from Sandringham House although the Queen travelled by car.

After the service they greeted many of the 2,000 onlookers who had gathered to see them arrive at the church.

The Queen was joined at the service by the Duke of Edinburgh, the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall, and Princes William and Harry.

Also in attendance were the Princess Royal, the Duke of York and his daughters Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie, the Earl and Countess of Wessex, Peter Phillips and his wife Autumn, and Daniel and Lady Sarah Chatto.

Sandringham rector the Rev Jonathan Riviere made reference to troops serving in Iraq and Afghanistan and their families.

‘Feelings of insecurity’

The Royal Family will watch the Queen’s Christmas Day speech together later.


This year, the Queen will voice her concern over the economic downturn and the turmoil it may bring.

She will say that although Christmas is a time for celebration, “this year it is a more sombre occasion for many”.

A month after the attacks in Mumbai and with British troops engaged overseas, the speech will also lament “violence in distant lands”.

The speech is a chance for the Queen to express her own thoughts on issues, rather than those of her ministers.

The Queen will say: “Some of those things which could once have been taken for granted suddenly seem less certain and, naturally, give rise to feelings of insecurity.”

She will go on to say: “People are touched by events which have their roots far across the world.

“Whether it is the global economy or violence in a distant land, the effects can be keenly felt at home.”

Private footage

This year’s message will also contain footage of Prince Harry recently presenting awards to 10 “children of courage” – young people who have faced adversity or shown great presence of mind or selflessness in their lives.

The broadcast, in which the Queen speaks about the recent 60th birthday of the Prince of Wales, will also contain private footage of Charles as a small child.

The Queen traditionally delivers her address from Buckingham Palace’s Music Room.

She stands in front of a grand piano that displays family photographs, with a large Christmas tree in the background.

The Queen’s Christmas message will be broadcast at 1500 GMT.

Produced by the BBC, it will also be available on the Royal Channel on the YouTube website at the same time and is also shown in Commonwealth countries.

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